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Mandatory Reporting

1. What is the state law regarding child abuse reporting?

O.C.G.A. ยง19-7-5 (

2. What are the reporting obligations of program staff and volunteers under the Policy?

Any program staff or volunteer who has reasonable cause to believe that child abuse has occurred, must immediately report the suspected abuse to 1.) the Program/Activity Administrator, Supervisor, or other responsible University Official, 2.) the UGA Police Department AND 3.) the Department of Family and Children Services (DFCS). 

3. How quickly must I report?

Program staff and volunteers should report immediately, but in no case later than 24 hours after first developing reasonable cause to suspect abuse.

4. How do I make a report?

Report to 1.) your Program Administrator, 2.) the UGA Police Department at 706-542-2200, AND 3.) the Department of Family and Children Services (DFCS) at 1-855-GACHILD.

Calling UGA Police ensures that the University is notified of any incident even when programs/activities are not on main campus or when they do not occur during normal business hours.

5. How do I determine if I need to make a report?

Do not attempt to investigate a matter further or gather additional information before reporting. If child abuse is in any way suspected, report immediately. As trained professionals, UGA Police and DFCS officials will decide whether further action is required.

A Mandatory Reporter must ensure that the Division of Family and Children Services is notified of the suspected abuse immediately and in no case later than 24 hours after the Program/Activity Staff (or other reporter) first had reasonable cause to suspect the abuse.
