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Background Checks

1. Who is subject to the background check requirements?

Background checks are required for all Program/Activity staff, whether paid or volunteer, who work in Programs/Activities serving minors and who are reasonably anticipated to have direct contact or interaction with minor participants. Background checks must be performed whether the Program/Activity is hosted by the University or an outside group. Outside groups must certify their compliance with the background check policies when reserving University facilities.

2. How do I arrange for background checks for program staff and volunteers in university-sponsored programs?

Background checks for university-sponsored programs are conducted by UGA Human Resources. See guidance on the Programs Serving Minors Background Checks page or contact your unit's HR Business Representative for guidance on submitting for background checks. To request a background check from University HR please call 706-542-2222 and request assistance for a background check.

3. How long does it take to process a background check?

Please allow at least 14 business days. 

4. How often must background checks be performed on program staff and volunteers?

At a minimum, background checks should meet Human Resources Administrative Practice Manual (HRAP) requirements. However, depending on the nature of the Program/Activity and the job responsibilities, more frequent checks may be advisable. For third party staff, or any staff or volunteers who do not work with minors on an ongoing basis, background checks at least every three years is recommended.

5. Who is responsible for ensuring that all background checks have been completed prior to the start of the program?

It is the responsibility of the Program Administrator to ensure that all criminal background checks have been completed.

6. If a program staff member or volunteer joins Program/Activity at the last minute for any reason, are they permitted to work before the background check is completed?

No. All program staff, including volunteers, must be cleared to work with minors before a Program or Activity starts. If the results are delayed, program staff cannot start working or volunteering until he/she is cleared.

7. If I have already had a background check, do I need another one under this Policy?

Program Administrators should work with Human Resources to evaluate the need for an additional background check. If you have already had a background check that meets HRAP requirements, then you may not need a second background check under this Policy. For example, a student who recently submitted to a criminal background check as part of his/her field placement, clinical experience, or student organization may be able to utilize the previous background check for the current Program/Activity. Record of a background check must be provided and verified before an individual can interact with minors. For third party staff, or any staff or volunteers who do not work with minors on an ongoing basis, a new background check may be required. UGA employees who enter into positions of trust as minors Program/Activity Staff, and whose last background check was more than 12 months ago, may require a new background check; confirm with your unit's HR Business Representative.

8. Who do I contact if I have questions regarding background checks?

A) See UGA Human Resources FAQ page; then

B) Contact UGA Human Resources at Talent Escalated Background team, University Human Resources,, 706-542-2222.
